Is Future Forex licensed?

Future Forex SA (Pty) Ltd, trading as “Future Forex”, is an authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP 51884) – it is licensed for the remittance of international payments only. Future Forex is a regulated primary accountable institution with the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC).

For the circumstances of “unregulated cryptocurrencies”, we provide a forex intermediary service, with zero financial advice, within the framework of the FSCA, SARB and Currency and Exchanges Act, in anticipation of the imminent regulation of the crypto-landscape that will likely see CASP’s (Crypto Asset Service Providers) adhering to the FAIS Act like other traditional FSP’s

In the near future, crypto assets are likely to be included in the definition of financial products under the FAIS act. Future Forex is excited by this prospect and will register with the FSCA as a CASP as soon as this becomes possible.

Exchange Control & Regulations > Is Future Forex licensed?
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